When I started shopping for the citrus juicer this weekend, I decided that I wanted a citrus press. I have a wood reamer that works really well, but using a manual reamer on eight lemons (16 halves) every week sounds like a tiring affair. The rotating electric reamers (like the citrus attachment for the Kitchenaid mixer or a stand alone one) work really well, but they also tend to scrape some of the membrane and pith in with with juice adding a little bit of bitterness. Both the manual and the electric reamers require you to use a sieve if you don't want pulp.
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The Metrokane Mighty OJ uses some gearing to generate forces of up to 800 pounds (so claims the box - mine didn't come with an instruction manual). The top of the device lowers as you pull the handle from behind the device to in front of the device (when the lever is horizontal, the top of the press impacts the reamer). The total motion is probably close to 210&176; and a little awkward to start since the handle is so far back and you have to lift it through the first half of it's travel. Even with medium sized lemons cut in half, there wasn't much clearance between the reamer and the press (I had to struggle with several halves when getting them into position), so for a few lemons I had to exert force upward before being able to push down.

I had several other problems with the Mighty OJ. The design allows the fruit to squirt everywhere as you apply pressure. You have to be very slow to avoid squirting. The base isn't heavy enough - it's not solid metal, but instead is hollow. The base also has black rubber pads that leave black marks on your counter that you have to clean off. The base is also so narrow none of the cups that I have unpacked will fit. In fact the reamer/funnel is so low that none of the cups I currently have will fit underneath! (We had to hold a bowl underneath with one person supporting the bowl, the other holding the device down and pulling the level.) The clearance is only about 4-1/2 inches (11.5 cm).
I'm going to return this one to Bed Bath & Beyond and see if I can find a better one.}?>
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Putting the Squeeze on at Breakfast Time
They shared your low opinion of the Metrokane All-Chrome Mighty OJ, but they liked the higher-end Metrokane L-Press Citrus Juicer.
(sorry for the "thingy", english is my second language so I don't know a proper word for it ;)
My problem with the electric rotating reamers is that they "punish" the pulp too much. It does get nearly perfect yield, but the pulp and membrane taint the flavor of the juice.
I might try the Metrokane Citrus Power Professional Juicer next.
I had, at one point, owned a juicer similar to the one you don't care for. This one is way better.
However, after reading Michael's review, I looked online for mechanical presses or squeezers and saw something weird mentioned about some of them: the juicer works by pushing the citrus half inside-out, i.e. placing the fruit with the skin down. Who knows, maybe the results would be better even for this Metrokane....
It's a similar design but really heavy-duty. You can really hurt yourself with that thing. All the parts come apart and are easy to clean. I love fresh OJ and during the OJ season we treat ourselves to it.
I've used one of these for a few years and love it. It has a lever action - no cheesey rack and pinion or other gearing type arrangement.
Very solid and very heavy.
We have several citrus trees and one of them produces medium sized juice oranges. The Metrokane can extract just about all the juice from them. On the othe hand, it does a very poor job on our navel oranges. Those work better with an electric juicer.
If you just want a couple of small glasses of juice, this model is the quickest and the easiest to clean (if you can muscle down that lever of course)
- The inability to squeeze even medium large oranges into the cavity is a problem.
- The squirting out the sides is a problem. (It also means that everything including the gearing must be completely hosed down with every use. If I just want a quick glass of juice with an orange or two, 2/3 of the prep time is cleaning up.)
- The low, narrow space for a collection vessel is challenging, but I blow glass and have some runty old glasses that fit pretty well. Trying to use a commerical beverage container was unsuccessful if I wanted to collect more than one orange's worth of juice. standard mugs don't fit.
- Also, sometimes the juice just runs up over the side of the funnel base instead of draining.
- I had to take out my fruit, fold it in half, then re-press it to get a reasonable yield. This is annoying but workable.
- Did I mention how sticky the entire tool and working area get? I'll say it again because it's pretty bad.
It's hard to think of a product designed to do one thing only that fails on so many levels. Yes, you can get juice out of it but there must be a better, cleaner, faster way that doesn't get in its own way. The only trick is that it's not cheaper and there's only so much money I want to spend on my free orange juice.
I've since bought the hand squeeze lemon and lime inverters and use those more often. They're easier to clean. I don't think that's the best solution for the oranges though, so I'm going to check out the links.
BUT ... you have to utilize a couple of hints that the company doesn't tell you about. Call them Old Cooks hints if you will (bcuz I am old, LOL).
# 1 - Zest the skin. (Dry it then store - waste nothing, I say)
# 2 - Microwave the lemons first ( 1/2 min per lemon )
# 3 - Roll them on the counter (releases more juice)
Now juice them. They just ooze juice with very little pressure.
If you don't want to zest them ... then at least use those lemon peels
to make Preserved Lemons ! !
If you don't want to make Preserved Lemons or zest ... cut them into thin long slices and freeze the lot of them ... and use as needed for MARTINI's ! (heart-be-still)
I worked in a place for over 6 years where we did fresh squeezed lemonade, also doing them for festivals. There were days I squeezed over 1000 lemons.
They're typically around $150-200, a chunk of change, but if you're serious about lemon/lime/orange juicing, they're great.