Sometimes, what I really want to drink is a can of refreshing lemon iced tea, but I'm not so interested in ingesting all the high fructose corn syrup that's used to make the beverage. I looked on the internet for a recipe that would approximate the mass market brand, but most of these recipes called for the use of
Kool-Aid lemonade drink mix, which is not a staple in my pantry. I set off experimenting with combinations of various iced tea recipes until I came up with the lemon iced tea flavor that I felt was the perfect balance.
The ingredients are simple, but the proportions are critical. For 2 quarts of water, we'll need 3/4 cup (150 g) sugar, 2 ounces (60 mL) lemon juice, and two bags of black tea. The lemon juice can be fresh, but I used bottled juice since I always have a bottle handy in my kitchen.
Bring two quarts of water to a rolling boil.
Drop the two tea bags into the water and remove from heat. Cover with a lid and allow steeping for at least 1 hour. Although, in general, black teas should not be steeped for this long because of the excessive release of bitter tannins, this did not seem to be an issue when brewing this much tea with only two bags. Using more bags with a shorter steep time generated a different flavor profile that did not blend as nicely with the lemon juice.
Once the tea has been sufficiently steeped, remove the tea bags and add the sugar and lemon juice. Stir until the sugar completely dissolves.
Pour tea into a pitcher and add ice cubes until the volume has returned to two quarts.
Refrigerate until completely chilled (at least four hours) before serving.}?>
Lemon Iced Tea (makes two quarts or 1.9 liters)
1/2 gallon (1.9 L) water | bring to rolling boil | cover & remove from heat | steep one hour | mix | add ice until liquid returns to 1/2 gallon | refrigerate until fully chilled |
2 bags of black tea | |
3/4 cup (150 g) sugar | |
2 oz. (60 mL) lemon juice |
ice | |
To a southerner, the whole thing looks a bit weak, but I guess if you were trying to recreate nestea in a can you probably accomplished it.
A echo the previous question about tea-bag size. The look like regular size. Like the previous poster indicated, we Southerners like our iced tea strong: "as dark as molasses and just as sweet." So, I use four Lipton Family-Size teabags to make a gallon of iced tea. I don't care for it being too sweet, so I use about 1 1/3 cups of sugar for a gallon. And leave out the lemon altogether. Otherwise, your method is familiar, especially the long steeping times which I'm sure would shock a tea purist. That being said, I do frequently enjoy a traditionally prepared cup of hot tea. Lapsang Souchong is the best!
I'm not sure - I didn't experiment with sugar first, so I don't know if it will affect the brewing/taste. Dissolving the sugar was never a problem because after even two hours, the water is still quite warm. The sugar dissolves pretty rapidly as you stir it in.
I've never thought about adding lemon juice to the tea itself because I always keep fresh lemons around to slice into wedges and drop in each glass.
As for sweetness, it depends on whether my brother-in-law (sweet-tea drinker) and/or my sister (lemon only) will be around. I like both tastes, but you can't add sugar to a cold liquid, so I make a simple syrup with a whole lemon, washed and sliced, a cup or less of sugar, and maybe 2/3 as much water as sugar, plus mint leaves if I have any: Throw the water and sugar on the stove, bring to a boil, add lemon and mint and kill the heat, and let it cool. It doesn't keep forever, and it doesn't freeze solid, so alter the amounts appropriately for what you can use.
You can add the lemon or lime to the water when you add the tea bags if you're not going to sweeten the tea. I try not to add sugar to stuff that I drink. ;)
Thanks for catching that! I apparently had it correct in the article, but when it came time to making the summary, I made the wrong conversion.
acidic water will make tea go bitter
a small amount of baking soda 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon
per quart should be plenty should make for much darker tea
I have been doing 6 cups of water 2 tetley round tea bags and 3 min steep time with a bit of backing soda in the water before the tea bags
then you add a bit of lemon again to bring the ph back down a bit or just to flavour of choice
but then again I'm from the far north EH so we may like it a bit differnt here
Well this is what I put in:
2 quarts of water
2 ounces of lemon juice
2 bags of lipton natural Tea (not family tea bag)
1 cup of sugar
How can I improve this?I just want the taste near the Snapple Lemon Tea.....
the lemon flavor is great for picnics & large groups because it is easy to transport & serve!
Well this is what I put in:
2 quarts of water
2 ounces of lemon juice
2 bags of lipton natural Tea (not family tea bag)
1 cup of sugar
How can I improve this?I just want the taste near the Snapple Lemon Tea.....
A cup of white, granulated sugar weighs about 175 grams or 6 ounces. That's about 665 Calories of pure non-nutritive food calories. YIKES!!! Talk about candy!
The reason you are missing the tea taste is you are making two quarts of tea with the amount of tea bags one would use to brew two or three CUPS of hot tea. You need much more tea. You should use at least 5 tea bags, maybe 8 for two quarts of iced tea, especially once the ice starts to melt if you want to maintain the taste of the tea.
but what about that strange and southern iced tea, otherwise known as sweet tea? water flavor is important; if you're lucky enough to have delicious well water, use it. use less water and more tea and boil on stove in pyrex or glass. i know, i'm a little superstitious about metal flavoring things (cast iron has that effect on some). you're going for a dark tea concentrate, which you'll sweeten and dilute to taste later. view the guidelines above for how much sweetener (.75-2 cups/pitcher) and amount of tea.
Subject: Lemon Tea
I was raised on traditional southern iced tea. However, in high school many years ago, a friend invited me to her home for lunch. This family was originally from Mexico. The ice tea served that day was a beautiful mixture of tea and lemon/lemonade... a sweet drink. I thought it was wonderful. I have tried to duplicate this tea, on a number of occasions, but never have found the correct proportions of tea to lemon. Does anyone know the secret?
Hi, Why not contact the friend? Great recipes people! Thank you for posting them, ~~Mafi
My husband and I tasted our first brew of homemade, Lemon Iced Tea, today. It was very nice, and I, myself, do not like tea of any sort. I made it as a surprise for my husband. He loved it, and so did I. It has a very even blend of just the right amount of everything. Not too much tea tasting, not too sugary, not too lemony, not too watery. It is JUST RIGHT!
I have already made another batch for tomorrow. We deffinetly enjoyed it, and certainly will time and time again from here on in.
Funny, I went shopping with our daughter tonight. I happen to pass a shelf of bottled Lipton Lemon Iced Tea. All that pass through my mind was..."ha ha, mine taste better than yourrrrrs"!!!...Ha! I could not resist having a cocky moment. :-)
Thank you so very much for sharing the wonderful recipe! I have to say, "This Was A Good Thing". Kindest Regards, ~~Mafi
I did everything the same except add the lemon juice.
The tea is quite lemony already. Wish me luck! ~~Mafi
ps: doesn't anyone post here anymore???
In 3 quarts of boiling water steep 3 family sized tea bags for 6-8 minutes.
Pour 1 1/2 cups sugar into gallon jug then pour tea on top of sugar and stir or shake to dissolve. Add 1 1/2 gallon of orange/pineapple juice. Add enough cold water to cap off gallon. Chill.
We had a variation of this at a restaurant in Nashville. The restaurant called it 'Fling Tea' and I've been making my own variation of it since.
tea bags brew in less than a minute, loose tea no more than three minutes, this REALLY makes a HUGE difference in how the tea tastes, and try using the lemon zest instead of the juice, if what you are going for is the flavor of Snapple, try Typhoo tea, use a vegetable peeler on the lemon, probably one good slice of peel should do it, you dont want any white (pith) remove tea leaves or bags first, then drop in the lemon zest, its the oil from the outside of the peel that has the lemon flavor you are looking for, three quarters cup sugar for two quarts tea should make it sweet as Snapple, and refrigerate for a couple hours, ice will only make it taste like melted ice, yuck
How I make iced tea depends on the quantity I need. For Mock Sun Tea I use a gallon sized glass jar, 18-20 regular sized lipton or Red Rose tea bags. Add 2 quarts boling or almost boiling purified water, let steep for 5 minutes, then fill the jar to an inch from the top with cool water and let it sit for at least 1 hour. Remove tea bags, do not squeeze, add 1 cup of sugar stir to dissolve. At that point I transfer it to my gallon size tupperware pitcher and refrigerate it. My family members add lemon slices or juice and/or mint when they serve up their ice filled glasses.
I prefer to add mint to the jar after adding the cool water, but not everyone loves mint as much as me. I also LOVE to serve my tea over crushed ice with sliced Meyer lemons and plenty of mint from my garden.
I have used loose teas of all different varieties, most take 4 tablespoons to the gallon of water. Using loose tea gives more body to the tea, a almost creaminess. Bottled or purified water does matter. I never use tap water as it leaves a bad after taste from minerals.
Did you know that in Canada a quart has 5 cups, i.e. it is 40 ounces, and not the same in the US where it is 4 eight-ounce cups and = 32 oz.
The confusion only occurs if you do not include the actual number of ounces you intend or a metric quivalent in your recipe.(You have done that for the lemon juice ingredient.)
Remember,the same problem occurs with pints. Two pints equal one quart in both countries but in Canada a pint or half-quart equals 20 ounces.
Most of this doesn't matter since Canada went metric years and years ago but in recipes it really can still count - your Nestea re-creation would be quite different and paler and weaker with 25% more water to start.
Engineers, can you include
I also can't use white sugar cuz of arthritis (it's poison), so I use either a little raw sugar or dark brown sugar just to take the edge off. With hot tea I'll use honey. I add it after I take the bag out, dissolve it, then I'll pour it into a 10-12 oz glass for iced & put ice in to fill the glass.
I agree, a coffee maker makes great tea concentrate and filtered water tastes the best. I use 1 teabag to 6 oz, steep 5 mins. For a quart I use 6 bags. Only use glass, no metal so there's no leaching.
I can add ice cubes to my concentrate and it doesn't get cloudy. Amazing--it's the sediment in the tap water that makes it cloudy. Since I use filtered water, there's no sediment.
If it's a little strong or weak, then I might add a little juice to flavor it--like mango or peach, cranberry, etc.
I love lemon but I just read something that said never add lemon to tea for health reasons, but it didn't say why & I didn't want to buy the report, so I'm searchin the net for info and that's how I wound up here! I also have added a little bit of Koolaid lemonade mix to flavor it when I didn't have any liquid or the real fruit. Maybe that wouldn't have the same health issue.
Isn't it great that everybody loves makin tea--hot and cold?! I collect teasets--esp. hand painted ones--have since I was a little girl; my Cuban grandma turned me onto it. We used to have tea time everyday.
One year I gave my sister a handpainted Russian teaset from St. Petersburg--just beautiful. When I come to visit and she's stressed I make her bring it out and we have tea time to relax. I also bought a handpainted teaset from a Polish concentration camp survivor who wrote a book about his experiences there--Julius Tomsit and his wife. Lovely set, lovely couple.
Well if I find out anything about that lemon health issue I'll come back and post it; maybe someone else will find it too.
Have a good day!
Internet is global. I have picked up your receipe from New Zealand.
We use Metric measurement as does 90% of the world. As an engineer you will understand units of measurement. Could you please convert the strange units 'Quarts, ounces, cups' to litres, millilitres or grams.
Cann't wait to try. Sounds good.
Thanks Bruce Hodgson.
Everything was perfect.
Thank you so much!
It tastes just like Liptions Iced tea with Lemon to me!
My favorite tea, so, pretty awesome.
Personally, I prefer my iced tea unsweetened. I normally use a Formosa Ooolong of good quality, and make it in batches of 2 1/2 gallons. The Ooolong is great, because you can pretty much boil the water, dump the tea into the water, and then just let it sit. It won't get bitter, even if you leave the tea leaves in overnight. Usually, I let it sit for up to an hour, then fill up the sink with cold water, put the pot with the tea into it to cool it down. Add some freshly squeezed lemon juice once the tea is cold, pour into pitchers (I got two of the model you got in your picture), and stick them in the fridge.
I go through 1-2 batches a week, more in the summers. Great with most types of food, and guilt-free. :-)
2 quarts water
10 organic green tea bags
2/3 cup sugar
1 small fresh squeezed lemon
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
bring water and tea bags [u:5a5454af34]to[/u:5a5454af34] boil and remove immediately from heat. Add baking soda ( The baking soda neutralizes the acid or tannin in the tea making it smoother to drink. This cuts down on bitterness from accidental over-steeping and reduces cloudiness in the tea.) Add sugar to the pitcher and then the hot tea and stir well. Stir in lemon juice. Put in refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Enjoy
Anyhow here is my current method:
2 tablespoons tea leaves
2 quarts boiling water (electric kettles rock!)
1 glass coffee pot (like the ones used for automatic makers - glass = no bpa)
medium sieve
round filter paper for automatic coffee maker
Black tea: put the leaves in the pot and pour in water
Green tea: put the water in the pot, wait a bit to let it cool to about 180F then put in the leaves to avoid shocking the tea and increasing bitterness.
Let this sit until it reaches room temp - an hour or so. I have left it longer and it does not seem to make a difference.
In a gallon jug, mine is plastic Rubbermaid brand, put in about 1/3 - 1/2 cup sugar if you like it and dissolve in a few cups of water, fill up about half way with cold water. put the filter paper in the sieve and pour the tea from the pot through the filter and into the jug. Stir and refrigerate.
For a while I used hot or warm water in the plastic jug then realized it was not a good idea because of BPA. I should probably get a big glass pitcher too.
I found the following iced black tea recipe on the Red Rose tea website:
1. Bring 3 cups of fresh water to a rolling boil.
2. Add the water to a teapot with four black tea bags.
3. Steep for 3 to 5 minutes, according to taste. Remove tea bags.
4. If you enjoy your iced tea sweetened, stir in 1 cup of granulated sugar until it dissolves.
5. You may also add ¼ cup of fresh lemon juice for a citrus flavour.
6. Allow the hot tea to cool down, then add 5 cups of cold water to your mixture.
No, if you are halving the water and the amount of tea, then you should steep for the same amount of time.
Btw Bruce, do not insult is Americans. We have our own system of measurement we like just fine.