A great recipe, also good when made with green beans instead of asparagus.
Blanche the beans for about three minutes in salted, boiling water, then cook as you would the asparagus.
I like to add a minced garlic clove to the almonds, too.
Try roasting the asparagus in a 400 degree oven, coated with olive oil, salt, pepper for 12 minutes then adding the almond sauce when plated.
I second the roasting before adding the almonds... gives it a nice hint of sweetness.
Almonds -- great idea. I'll give it try.
I offer up the use of white wine (cooking wine is good enough) instead of water for the steaming portion. Makes a world of difference!
I really liked the idea of this recipe, but I didn't have almonds on hand so I used pine nuts in stead. I also tried roasting the asparagus in the oven, like Olympic204 suggested. So, while I made quite a few alterations to the recipe, I still like to think that, at heart, I followed it.
The asparagus turned out delicious.
so good idea, simple and delicious
if you want some more recipes for asparagus, we have a ton on our site. we are the growers, packers, shippers, importers and exporters...and have a lot of information.
I have made this several times with green beans, using the blanching tip. I keep slivered almonds on hand, and in my opinion it works better if I don't chop them up--it's too easy to burn the almonds and butter if they are chopped up small (learned on gas, and after ~20 years, I still haven't mastered an electric stove). I love the cayenne, and depending upon who I'm cooking for, I add some or a little more.
This is a standard in my cooking-meals-for-folks-in-need repertoire, and so far it's been very well received. Even by my own family, go figure.
I'm not an engineer but a scientist and think this is a great site! Must try asparagus, though I think green beans need more enhancement than asparagus!
i have done something similar with whole oka pods. Haven't tried with almonds, but excelloent. You can also jut grill either to good effect.