Crunchies is a natural snack that is seeking to be the healthy alternative to the potato chips and fruit snacks that children (and many adults) love to munch on. They freeze dry all different types of fruits and vegetables and everything is organic, wheat free, gluten free, fat free, and preservative free. I tried some of the fruit crunchies and they are definitely flavor free too. Somehow, I do not think these are going to replace chewy fruit snacks or crispy potato chips anytime soon. Or even real fruit. The Crunchies are not crunchy at all. They are quite chewy though, in the way that you may chew a small piece of styrofoam that has a somewhat tangy and sweet taste to it. The package tells us that it takes eight to ten pounds of fresh fruit to make one pound of Crunchies.

Onto another healthy snack - Enjoy Life Foods. I was pleasantly surprised by these snacks that purport to be gluten free and free of the eight most common allergens (in case you are wondering what those are: gluten, wheat, dairy, peanut, tree nut, egg, soy, fish and shellfish. Not sure why any of these snacks would have fish and shellfish in them to begin with but I guess eight sounds more impressive than six). They have quite a few products - chips (made from lentils), chocolate for eating and baking, cereals, cookies (crunchy and soft baked), chewy bars, and seed and fruit mixes.

Yes, it's that Kohler, the one that makes faucets. The chefs at their American Resort Club (that would be their five star resort in Wisconsin) started making chocolates in 2007. As a caveat, I feel I should note that I am a huge chocolate lover but not a snobby one - I will happily eat and buy Hershey's as much as I enjoy artisanal chocolates made by the local chocolatier. So I am already inclined to like the Kohler's just because they are chocolate.

I thought this was going to be like a peanut or chocolate brittle, but it's really a thin cookie-like version of the edge of a pan of brownies - those crispy, chewy edges that everyone loves. Brownie Brittle does have that crispy quality, sort of like you are biting into a chocolate-flavored pita chip, but they are not as chewy as I would like.

There were quite a few dairy and cheese exhibitors at the fête and since I love cheese, I tried all of them. They were all delicious cheeses but one purveyor stood out in my mind. The Sartori cheese company makes an espresso rubbed cheese that I could eat a whole wedge of in one sitting (probably not a good idea due to my late-developing lactose intolerance). The combination was just surprisingly good. Don't worry, it does not taste like you are eating cheese with pieces of espresso beans. The cheese itself is called Bellavitano, a variety developed by Sartori - it is creamy, nutty, fruity, and of medium softness. The espresso gives it an almost aged cheddar-like tang to it. I generally like harder cheeses that are very sharp or really soft stinky cheeses, but this Bellavitano hit the nice middle ground for me.

Eleanor loves to eat and write and share her opinions to anyone who will listen. Her favorite food is ice cream.
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