In the United States, apple juice and apple cider are almost exactly the same thing. Apple cider should not be confused with the products known as hard cider (which is a fermented product known to the rest of the world as "cider") or sparkling cider (a carbonated beverage made from apple juice). In fact, apple cider is a subcategory of apple juice. Apple cider is (supposed to be) the juice from apples produced by mechanical pressure. According to Wikipedia, apple cider is traditionally made from early-harvest apples and istherefore tangier than apple juice. In my experience and research, I haven't found any proof that this is true as a rule (although some brands will advertise that their cider is made from certain seasonal apples and prepared in a particular manner, I feel that these seem to be differentiating claims instead of applying to apple cider in general). Often, apple cider is associated with unfiltered apple juice, but you can find both unfiltered and filtered cider and juice labeled accordingly in the supermarket. In short, in the United States, there's really not much difference between apple juice and apple cider (speaking as a whole - some brands may differentiate their apple mixes to produce different flavors for their juices and ciders).
I like my mulled cider to be clear, so I generally use filtered apple juice or cider. I also use whole spices so they can be easily strained out before serving and don't leave a fine cloud or particulate matter and grit in my mulled cider. Some of the cider recipes that I've tried use coffee filters, the assembly of a bouquet garni, and other steps that I think are extra. This recipe uses a single pan, a strainer, and a zester or knife. I like it when it's simple.

Once the apple juice is boiling, reduce the heat so it just simmers (small bubbles form and rise to the top in a steady rhythm, but not at a furious rate). Add the citrus zest at this time. We don't add the zest earlier because we don't want the brief hard boil to break up the zest to the point where we will have difficulty straining it. If you're careful, you can add the zest with the brown sugar and watch the temperature to bring the juice up to simmering but not to boiling.
Maintain the simmer for thirty minutes. I do this with the lid off because it's easier for me to keep it at a constant simmer this way.

You can let the cider cool and then refrigerate for up to week. Bring it back up to a simmer before serving.}?>
Mulled Cider (makes 4 cups)
1 quart apple cider or juice | heat | dissolve | simmer 30 min. | strain | |
1 cinnamon stick | toast | ||||
20 whole black peppercorns | |||||
3 whole cloves | |||||
1 to 2 Tbs. brown sugar | |||||
zest from 1/2 lemon |
If anyone knows a good recipie for this type of mulled cider, or if this recipie works, I would be interested to know.
I suppose, depending on where you live, its probably not available. but here in Michigan, it's a Fall staple.
Please reconsider, or even better, visit our area in the fall and try some fresh cider for yourself. I'm sure you'll agree, its very different.
Still, this is a great, simple recipe. I still have some mulling spices that I got as a gift (from Crate & Barrel, Williams Sonoma, or somesuch), but once I run out I'll try this recipe.
Recently I picked up a can of spiced coffee at a specialty shop. It smells great, but didn't come out so well in the pot. I think, though, that I will try adding this simple mixture of spices to the basket of ground coffee. I think just the clove and cinnamon will do the trick.
I followed the recipe exactly as written, and my whole family loved it.
And quite frankly, I was amazed how much the cider was transformed.
I will definately brew this up more often.
Thanks for the treat!
Note: This is a good thing however, because the simmering process (without a lid) is also a reductionism, which helps concentrate the apple juice flavor. The recipe results should be modified, however, to reflect the fact that you get closer to 20 ounces of the final brew, and not 48.
(I know... these are details.... but i am a SCIENTIST dammit!)
Carry on. ;)
p.s. I also made the mistake of offering a small sample of this brew, from a hot thermos, to a co-worker, and i forgot to tell him it was boiling hot! He proceeded to gulp it down, and burned the taste buds off his tongue! He now talks with a lisp, and complains he can't taste food.
Such is life.... when living on the edge. :)
In my last batch, I used Tree Top apple juice and had to cut out a lot of the sugar because the juice started off really sweet to begin with. When using Tree Top, consider making the mulled cider without any added sugar.
I didn't realize a cider/beer yeast mix was called "scrumpy". We learned by accident that a beer/cider mix is quite good. We also make hard cider from our unpasteurized product.
Good recipe, one I'll try.
The "buy" at the very end should be "by".
1 Big a$$ bottle of Unfiltered Apple Juice from my local Trader Joes
Right or wrong, about hour or two before I want to serve it, I take the orange, give it a good wash, stick it with cloves all over (so it looks like The Death Star), and then jab it with the cinnamon stick. I pour the entire contents of the bottle of juice into a large pasta pot and drop in The Death Star. I bring the whole mess up to a light boil and then bring it down to the lowest flame I can get out of my stove. It sits that way covered the whole night. Not only does everybody love it, but it gets better and better as the night goes on. At the end of the evening, if there is any left, I toss the orange and refrigerate the left-overs to heat another day.1 Orange
1 Stick Cinnamon
20 (or so) Whole Cloves
Enjoy. It hasn't killed anyone yet, so I assume it's fairly safe.
"Keep on target."
I made this mulled "liquid"-since we cannot seem to agree on cider or juice christmas eve. I used Martinellis juice, and 3 T sugar. After simmering the 30 mins I unintentionally let it sit on the counter with the spices in it for ~16 hours. I reheated it and was amazed at the flavor. It was a bit sweet because of the Martinellis, but what an amazing flavor. I used the lemon zest, and it brought a nice edge to the drink. I made it again using Tree Top juiice and drank it right away, and boy does it make a difference. It wasnt very good at all. My opinion to anyone is to try to use the real juice not the stuff from concentrate. Makes a huge difference. Just make sure to cut the sugar back and try before serving to check sweetness, and let it sit overnight to allow the flavors to blend.
For the health-conscious who perform this step, it may be best to use a pan not coated with Teflon or other non-stick coatings. Examples include stainless steel and cast iron. Some concerns have arisen about toxic gases released from Teflon at temperatures required to preheat a pan. Skeptics who like their Teflon pans might consider toasting these ingredients for slightly longer times at lower temperatures.
Cheese on pie?
Are you frigging insane?! Gross...!
Having cheese flavoured with cider or apple is great, but sticking cheese in your cider is just weird.
Being British, I'm going to give this recipe a go with 'proper' (alcoholic) cider. It's also nice to hear that Snakebite (a vicious lager/cider mixture) has been discovered in the States. There's hope for you guys yet!
P.s. If you put a little blackcurrant cordial in too, you make the even more deadly 'Snakebite and Black'!
Heck, you can get apple cider in Walmart! I refuse to accept that there is no difference when you can find real apple cider in Walmart. Have you looked in the produce cooler? That's where alot of places keep it. Who knows why they don't just put it with the other juice, but whatever.
Apple Juice != Apple Cider. Clear cider can't exist. You've strained everything's just apple juice then! It's the sediment that makes it cider.
Enjoy your mulled apple juice, but call it what it is please!
PS - The verification letters incremented by one are INCREDIBLY annoying. I'm all about fighting spam, but COME ON!
Because I have diabetes, I make a cup of sugar-free commercially marketed spiced cider and add about a quarter cup of my highly spiced concentrate to bring it up to speed, then add a bit of extra lemon or lime juice and sweetener to taste.
Rob McCormick, MD
spices. :)
I don't mind not filtering out the spices, but when it's ground, it attaches to the back of your throat when you drink and is NOT pleasant!. I highly recommend whole spices. I don't put sugar in mine, but sometimes a dallop of honey is great too.
I will put allspice in it if I have some.
In Munich, and I assume the rest of Germany, one can order a marvelous drink called Radler, which is a mixture of beer and- in some biergartens, lemonade is used, and in others, Sprite. In my opinion, lemonade is better. The best is found at the Augustiner Monastery/Brewery, where the use a sparkling apple juice. If one uses dark beer, the drink is Russen. Prost
i agree a lot of juice evaporates so i only simmer it for 20 minutes (less for the "angel's share") also i'm torn if i should add any sugar at all. the juice wasn't terribly sweet and i put less than half a portion but it seemed to get sweeter as it simmered...also i wonder if allspice is better than adding peppercorns? how much allspice shoud i use?
i like to add orange slices for a garnish. in the end it's so nice to have a hot fruity drink when it's "cold" out and you can drive yourself home afterwards :)
So, my mix of spices is:
starting with at least two liters 100% juice, add
two or three cinnamon sticks,
a dozen or more cloves pushed into a clean small orange (sometimes I make a cut in the skin too to let out a little more juice),
4-5 medium slices crystalized ginger,
a freshly-bruised whole nutmeg, and
3-4 large slices of apple with the skin still on.
And yes, it gets better the longer it simmers!
I also put in extra apple juice when I'm simmering apples for sauce, and then ladle the liquid out before crushing/processing the cooked apples. The liquid I mix in small amounts with plain apple juice to make "instant cider" or freeze it in larger batches to mix in with the cider recipe above. This adds apple particulate to the finished product, which personally I think is what makes it truly cider-ish. I describe it as a more "raw" flavor. (It's why I put slices of apple in the recipe above when I don't have this concentrate to work with... I don't know how much it helps, but it makes me feel better, anyway!)
I couldn't resist giving my $.02 so here goes.
I'm also from New England (MA) where cider is certainlly made from real apples.
If you've ever been to Topsfield Fair, every first week of October in Topsfield MA, you can see the process done right there before your very eyes and it's really cool to watch and even more delightful to drink. (watch out for the bees they love it too)
I suspect however that folks love to enjoy a "tanged up" anything and that is why we sit here sharing our ideas on how to get that delicious cider taste from our own kitchens for lack of the right equipment.
I've never had a better cider than that at the fair. But here is my kitchen recipe...
Crock pot, high setting
Fill it up with apple juice Not from concentrate, like Stewarts if you've ever had that. (I've used frozen with water too, it's ok)
small orange, sliced
some clove, not too much
3-4 cinnamon sticks
add sugar; brown, splenda, stevia, cinnamon sugar whatever (start off with a little then increase as desired)
tbs ginger
tsp nutmeg
Give it a good stir and let the heat do the rest. The longer it sits the better, but its ready to go in a few hours. Try to strain out the clove with a mesh scoop if you have it but I wouldn't worry about straining the whole batch. WATCH OUT, it will be hot!
The crock pot can be placed anywhere you'd like it to for entertaining, so that's a plus when preparing it this way.
Enjoy all you Autumn / holiday cider extremes! I love it!
And I love you!!!!!
Down here, to me it just tastes like plain old apple juice.
I would give anything to find the real stuff! Maybe I will have to load up the car and take a drive North soon!!!! :unsure: [/b:57ec6cf015]
Regarding the recipie: Last night was the first time I ever made it! I didn't have peppercorns and hadn't thought of toasting all of the spices first! I plan to go shopping today! great IDEAS! :D i can't wait to taste it!! In the past, my friends have made it with cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice, cardemom and a little coriander. It sounds very much like pumpkin pie spices to me...I've also had it with an added touch of orange juice but no sugar. Lemme know what you all think, if you try it that way! By the way, the teaball works wonderfully. Don't burn yourself adding your spices to the teaball!! :shock: Enjoy and thanks to all for sharing!!!
We have Christmas parties every year for various groups of people (a primary motivation is to tell them what Christmas means - most of them have no idea!), and when we can, we make mulled cider. Like MissJubilee who wrote earlier from China, in Japan also there is no such thing as either the northern U.S. definition of cider (cloudy brown flavorful fresh stuff - I grew up in Indiana, so I know about that) or the British definition (Applejack), so I have to use ordinary apple juice. I have always just used lots of cinnamon sticks and cloves, but this year I'll try the citric zest and maybe even the peppercorns (sounds daring - I may start with just a few). Or maybe it would be fun, especially for a party with kids, to make the afore-mentioned "death star" - the winter tangerines here (called mikan) are small, great-flavored, and the skin is quite thin - almost no white pith at all, so no bitterness.
But we always have to explain what cider is. Since even the western world can't agree on the definition, we usually just say that is a substance similar to apple juice but a little different, and leave it at that. Merry Christmas!
Hot Mulled Cider, By: P. Allen Smith
2 Quarts Apple Juice or Apple Cider
2 Cups Orange Juice
1 Cup Pineapple Juice
1/2 Cup Lemon Juice
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
2 Cinnamon Sticks
2 Teaspoons Cloves
1 Teaspoon Allspice
1 Teaspoon Powdered Ginger
Orange Slices for Garnish
Start by combining the juices in a large pot. You can substitute the apple juice with apple cider. The difference between cider and juice, officially, is the cider is slightly fermented which makes it a bit effervescent and it contains a percentage of alcohol.
Add to the brew a half a cup of brown sugar, two cinnamon sticks, two teaspoons of cloves, one teaspoon of allspice and one teaspoon of powdered ginger. Now, cook all of this over medium heat until it begins to boil and then reduce the heat and let it simmer about 15 minutes longer.
To finish it off, garnish with a few fresh orange slices. This recipe makes enough for ten. As you can imagine, with all of these spices, the aroma is incredible. What better way to have your entire home to smell like the holidays and what a delicious treat for friends and family when they drop in. Enjoy!
Use 8-10 nice fresh SCRUBBED red apples (you want that touch of pithiness) per quart of juice.
Strain it (I use a fine strainer followed by a paper kitchen towel, be patient).
Follow this recipe but reduce peppers to 7, add 2 star anise (whole stars), 5 allspice and toast with the rest.
Use a tea strainer ball for the 'bitty bits'.
Bring to a simmer in a crockpot and simmer 1/2hr or so until it tastes good.
Strain. Return to crockpot set to 'warm'. Garnish with a clove stick, lemon slices and a death-star (nice touch). I use a Clemantine.
Serve with brown sugar and poisonous volatile hydrocarbons of choice.
A knob of butter during heating will trap the spice volatiles but I prefer an un-greasy drink. Do NOT boil above a gentle simmer, all the best flavors will boil off.
Also I don't get this whole cider/juice thing... Here in Australia proper cider is made from proper cider apples and is alcoholic.
If pulpy apple juice is apple cider does that make pulpy orange juice orange cider?
lol I kid.
I used cranberry juice instead of apple, and added a little honey to sweeten it, and it turned out really well.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I think it's the same. We have a local Historic orcherd here and every year they do a Cider Squeeze. True Cider has a cloudy apperence and a much richer (and less processed) taste. But True cider is not processed, not strained, not pasturised, and definately not shelf-stable. So the major companies have to find a way to make it so, or loose half their consumers.
Now a days some companies are coming out with true cider, even organic stuff. But for the best stuff I would look for near the produce department, and in refrigeration.
As for the recipe it sounds excelent. We tend to get the packets of Spiced Cider, but this might be a good alternative. I'll be giving it a try in the near future.
1 gallon unfiltered cider
half gallon extra pulp OJ
half gallon strong brewed orange pekoe tea
1 tbs cinnamon
1 tbs all spice (or a small handful of whole allspice whichever)
1 whole nutmeg freshly ground
20-25 whole cloves (mine are old so you might want to start at 10ish)
The spices (especially cloves) will become stronger the longer you cook it up to a point. I prefer the taste the cider takes from boiling so I will let it boil for a bit, 15 min or so. Then turn it down and just let it simmer on the stove all day, makes a hearty drink and a wonderful smelling house.
I am happy to share my mulled cyder recipe. 3 litres dry cider, sugar (to taste) zest of 2 clementines, 1/2 nutmeg, 12 cloves, tsp peppercorns, 20g of fresh ginger, 6 cardomon pods, small sprig of fresh thyme, 1 scotch bonnet, 1 star anise
no need to toast the spices, just gently warm them together in a pan (less than a simmer) for 1-2 hours. The scotch bonnet should be added in the last hour and will provide a beautiful floral aroma and gentle warmth but be very carful not to break the skin or the brew will take on an INTENSE heat.
FYI: In the UK the difference between cider scrumnpy is the apples used. scrumpy is made with eating apples and consequently has a very short shelf life (not brewed with beer yeast as someone suggested) where as cider brewed of cider apples which are unfit for eating or cooking due to a very high tanin content. these tanins preserve the brew for long periods
Absolutely love it. Thanks