Another easy but fun dessert is this baked apple with a cinnamon sugar core. The tart apple flavor blends well with the familiar flavors of brown sugar and cinnamon spice.
Start off with 1 Tbs. brown sugar, 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon, and a tart apple such as a Granny Smith variety. If you're preparing more than one apple, assemble a tablespoon of brown sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon for each apple. Using a fork, blend the cinnamon and sugar together, breaking up any lumps.
Cut the apple into eighths. Do this by cutting through the apple from one pole to the other and repeating with the halves and quarters. Take care to keep the pieces in order.
Core apple slices by cutting a wedge out of the core remaining in each slice. Also trim off the stem and flower remains (calyx).
Using one hand to hold sheet of aluminum foil large enough to wrap around the apple, position pieces in the cupped foil to form almost a whole apple (leaving two slices out).
Scoop the cinnamon and brown sugar mixture into where the core of the apple used to be. Compress the mixture as need to fit. It's okay to leave a small mound since we'll be covering it up with the remaining two slices of apple.
Place the final two pieces and wrap tightly with the aluminum foil to hold everything in place. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350°F or on a hot grill for 10 minutes to cook the apple through. Unwrap and serve with the sugar sauce remaining in the core. This is a fun treat to produce at a casual get together or BBQ since your guests can help unwrap the apples from their aluminum casings (and if they don't know the apples are filled, it makes for a nice surprise!)}?>
Baked Cinnamon Apple
Preheat oven to 350°F (170°C) |
1 Granny Smith apple | slice into eighths | core | reassemble and stuff | wrap in aluminum foil | bake 350°F (170°C) 15-20 min. |
1 Tbs. (14 g) brown sugar | mix | |
1/4 tsp. (0.5 g) ground cinnamon |
Copyright 2005 Michael Chu
I wonder if you could do something similar by quartering a slightly underripe peach/nectarine.
I really like the idea of precutting the fuit, coring it and droping a suprise in the middle.
Might you be able to do something with cold fruits as well? Such as cutting an apple in half, gutting it with a mellon baller and filling it with ice cream. (maybe some gummy worms?)
Actually what I may do, for this passover, is to cut an apple across it's width, twoards the top, and hollow it out, then fill it with charoset (or alternatively a waldorf)
In general it seems like a nice way to serve chutneys and salads.
microwave for 5 mins more or less depending on the size & density of apple. serve with vanilla ice cream.
to make in microwave use applecorer and fill hole
microwave until bubbly serve over vanilla ice cream
Maybe you can't try whit a fruit salad over this apples :D
question: am I the only person who read the title of this blog at first as "cooking for foreigners"? : )
Many Thanks
i made three for a BBQ at my flat and they were popular. it would be nice if they were a little cleaner to eat, i got all stickey fingered, but i think ill make them again next BBQ around.
With a Port.
To the author of this site.... you are a very creative person- kodos-
thanks for helpin'. B)
By the way, I love your blog.
1. Slice the top off the apples.
2. Hollow out core and some flesh with the small end of a melon baller. Do not break out at the bottom of the apple - leave a good half-inch. Make sure you get all the pips and hard bits.
3. Fill with butter, ground cinnamon, ground ginger, brown sugar, butter, raisins, sugared chopped dates, etc. be inventive.
4. Spray aerosol butter on the top and on the sides of apple,
5. Roll lid and apple carefully in white granulated sugar.
6. Bake at 375F.
7. When the outside of the apple has caramelised, remove and serve with English custard.
Pardon my slurps!
Chef Ronnie
cover with foil, bake, and serve with cheese available as an added topping if desired by individual tastes.
I am unusually slow when it comes to prep work, but I almost had the entire dessert ready for the oven before it even finished pre-heating! A definite do-again.
I think this is a great site. Thank you for all the good ideas.
I did have to bake it a bit longer, about 25 minutes before the apple was cooked through, but this was probably just because I got bigger apples. =)
Love your site, and will definitely be back for other recipe ideas!