A few years ago, a friend of mine showed me a way to get the cheesecake flavor and texture without taking several hours to bake and cool before serving. If you need to provide individually portioned snacks or dessert to a casual party or gathering, these simple cheesecakes are easy to make and disappear fast.
We'll use Vanilla Wafer cookies (Nabisco's Nilla Wafers is the most commonly available brand) as a bottom crust for these cheesecake cupcakes. To make a dozen cheesecakes, gather up one pound (455 g) cream cheese, 2 large eggs, 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract, and 1/2 cup (100 g) granulated sugar. The cheesecakes can be topped with whatever you like - maraschino cherries, streusel, Hershey's kisses. I like to use mandarin orange slices.
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
Place the cream cheese, sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract into a mixing bowl and beat on medium-low speed until creamy.
Starting with softened cream cheese will speed up the process, but even cold cream cheese will eventually beat in with the eggs to form a creamy mixture.
Place cupcake or muffin liners (also called baking cups) into each cup of a muffin pan. While preparing these pictures and reading up on other recipes, I read a recipe that recommended getting aluminum cupcake liners but removing the paper layer (aluminum muffin liners have an inner paper lining placed within the aluminum liner). I decided to take this opportunity to test out different liners: aluminum with paper insert, aluminum without paper, and paper muffin liners. Aluminum with paper is what I recommend (more on why later).
Place a vanilla wafer cookie into the bottom of each muffin liner.
Pour the cheesecake batter into each muffin liner. Fill to about 3/4 full. The batter should be sufficient for twelve cupcakes with possibly a little left over. Top the individual cheesecakes.
Bake the cheesecake cupcakes for about 15 minutes in the preheated 350°F (175°C) oven. As soon as the cheesecakes are set, remove the muffin pan and let it cool for a couple minutes on a wire rack. After the pan has cooled a bit, pull out each of the cheesecakes and let them completely cool before refrigerating.
While pulling out the baking cups from the muffin pan, I realized that the aluminum liners made it easy to lift up and pull out. The cupcakes lined with only paper cups were a bit more difficult to grasp and lift up due to the less rigid nature of the liner.
However, the paper lined cupcakes peeled easily while the aluminum only cup had a tendency to stick to the cheesecake. Sometimes while peeling the aluminum lining off, it would tear the cupcake. So, for the best of both worlds, use the aluminum baking cups with the paper lining left inside.
After chilling, the cheesecakes will keep for a couple days - ready for a quick snack or for delivery to your next get-together.}?>
Cheesecake cupcakes (makes 12 cupcakes, can be scaled)
Prepare muffin pan with foil baking cups |
Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C) |
1 lb. (455 g) cream cheese, softened | beat until creamy | fill cups 3/4 full | top with an orange slice | bake 350°F (175°C) 15 min. | cool individually on wire rack | refrigerate before serving |
2 large (100 g) eggs |
1 tsp. (5 mL) pure vanilla extract |
1/2 cup (100 g) granulated sugar |
12 vanilla wafer cookies | place in each cup |
12 mandarin orange slices | |
These look tasty! Any idea of the nutritional value though? Probably less than a slice of cheesecake...
For something that small, I'd rely on examination over an estimated baking time. Start by checking at 8 minutes and check every two minutes after that. Just gently swing the pan left and right a little and see if the center of the cupcakes still jiggle. If they barely move (about as stiff as jello) then they are done. If they move as if they were liquid, keep baking.
After your first batch, add up the time in the oven and subtract a few minutes and use that as your new first check point for testing doneness on your second batch. On your third batch, you'll probably know the exact time it takes to set your cupcakes with your mini-muffin pan and oven.
They might puff up if air bubbles are trapped in the batter. Try letting them sit for half an hour before you bake (and aggitate the pan intermittantly) to let bubbles work themselves out before baking if this happens all the time for you.
Crystal, I did a quick and dirty calculation on the nutritionals of the mini cheesecakes. I used USDA database numbers on the full fat versions of all the ingredients. If you get 12 mini cheesecakes out of this recipe, here's the nutrition content (including the vanilla wafer, but no topping):
Calories 210
Fat 15 g
Calories from Fat 135
Protein 4 g
Carbohydrates 14 g
Calories 210
Fat 15 g
Calories from Fat 135
Protein 4 g
Carbohydrates 14 g
Not bad considering it is cheesecake we're taking about! Thanks very much foodscigeek ^_^
Instead of vanilla wafers for the "crust," I used chocolate chip cookies. The kind which are advertised as "soft" or "chewy" worked the best. They are generally larger than the bottom of a muffin cup, so I had to manually trim away the edges of the cookies to get them to fit (and you get to eat the trimmings, of course). Also, I'll note that the resulting mixture after beating had the consistency of pudding. You had to spoon the mixture into the cups, rather than pour. I topped my with canned cherries (3 per muffin).
I made a similar recipe using prepared cookie dough from the grocery store refrigerator section as the crust. I liked the options for mixing the different kinds of crusts --- chocolate chip cookie dough, chococolate chocolate chip cookie dough, sugar cookie dough, etc. with a myriad of different fruit or candy toppings.
And the individual, smaller servings are great for transporting.
Sprinkle the crumbs into the cups then use the bottom of a second muffin pan to compress the mixture.
You can also make wee key lime pies this way, too.
Hopefully, being individual cupcakes will allow for good portion control!
If interested, check out our sailing blog. We are currently on the Lagoon in the French/Dutch island of St. Martin / Sint Maarten in the Caribbean. We plan to head south (St. Kitts, Martinique, Grenadines, Trinidad) by the end of July.
Looking forward to perusing your site for more recipes that will fit our cruising lifestyle.
For whoever asked about using low-fat dairy, the best cheesecake I ever made was with _extremely_ well-drained yogurt cheese. It was just tart enough to accent the sweet/rich tastes from the sugar and eggs, and I couldn't tell that the texture suffered, either.
As far as the crust- I really preferred a crubled graham cracker with some brown sugar sprinkled in. It gave it a very authentic cheescake taste![/url]
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1 - "Cream" (blend) the softened cheese with the sugar, BEFORE adding the eggs.
2 - Add those eggs 1 egg at a time beating between each. This makes getting to a homegenous mixture much quicker.
Makes 14 or 15 cupcakes we found.
Fresh Bluberries are great on top!
Thanks! Chef Geek
The second time I made them, I did what typical cheesecake recipes state, and that is to beat the cream cheese till smooth before the addition of any other ingredients. As a result, they turned out perfectly the second time around.
I found that 1/2 cup sugar is too much. The rich cheesecake flavor tastes best when made with only 1/3 cup.
Thank you for a great addition to my saved recipe file!
Topping after is fine, but the strawberry (or strawberry pieces) won't be embedded in the cheesecake. It's mostly a matter of aesthetics but the short cooking time may alter the taste of the fruit a little (mostly mellow out the flavors).
Made the little cheesecakes, but modified the recipe in response to other readings. I added sour cream and heavy cream (amounts by eye) to the cream cheese and egg and sugar mixture, and I used ginger snaps as the base. Then I cooked it all in a water bath.
And then (don't hate me!) I completely failed to adjust the cooking time.
What's worse is I'd decided to do them as caramel apple cheesecakes, based on a cake slice I once had at Dufflett's in Toronto (to DIE for), so I'd place thin slices of apple on top of each one of the cakes...
...meaning I could not observe the giggle factor! :shock:
Yes, you're reading this whole thing right. I changed the ingredients and the cooking method but not the cooking time, and failed to provide a way to properly observe the results.
Kill me now.
On the up side, the newly dubbed "cheesecake puddings" were AMAZING. I pooled hot caramel on top of each one. They had to be eaten with spoons, but they were delightful.
I have been asked to try again (with some greater care in the procedure) and will report back with the result.
Again, love the web site. Even if I fail to follow the instructions. :(
I thought, "What better to bring to a Thanksgiving potluck dinner than pumpkin cheesecake cupcakes?"
To a double batch of the cheesecake mixture, I added:
1 can pumpkin (15 oz.)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
Pinch salt
Then I baked them like normal. I ended up with about 40 cupcakes. They have a tasty cheesecake flavor with a nice pumpkin pie addition - I'm hoping they'll be a big hit at the potluck tomorrow!
and for the cheese cupcake.. how should i make a chocolate cheese cupcake? my dad loves them more.. would like to bake my first time for christmas :D thank you..
Yep, they should freeze up just fine. Slide them into a ziploc freezer bag for convenience - you can pull out as many as you need/want on demand.
I am a culinary scientist in the mold of Alton Brown. While I *never* share my cheesecake recipes, I will, however, share cooking advice.
First off, the cardinal sin of cheesecakes is a cracked cheesecake. The reason people put pie filling or whipped cream on top is often to hide the cracks.
The number one cause of cracking is air inside the cheesecake escaping and cracking the outside. So we need to prevent adding air to the batter, and slowing the formation of a "skin" on the outside of the cheesecake.
After 13 years and likely over 100 cheesecakes here's the best tricks for avoiding cracking.
Bring EVERYTHING to room temperature before you start (cream cheese, eggs, butter if you use it.)
Beat the cream cheese and sugar til its smooth, add vanilla if needed and beat again, but don't overbeat.
Add eggs ONE AT A TIME and only beat until there's no "obvious" egg before you add the next egg. Once the eggs are in you want to minimize any beating. Overbeating forces air into the batter which will crack it trying to escape later.
If you are adding any flavors into the batter (chocolate, lemon, lime, etc) now is the time, but beat as little as possible.
Before pouring into the crust, bang the bowl of batter on the counter some to release any bubbles "stuck" in the batter.
While preheating the oven, place a pyrex dish full of water on the shelf below where the cheesecake will be. This will heat up and keep the oven moist, so the surfact of the cheesecake won't dry and crack while baking.
While baking, watch thru the door but avoid opening the door. This willthrow off your time and could potentially cause small cracks to form large cracks.
Last and most important is to cool the cheesecake incredibly slowly. Stop early when there's a half dolloar size of apparently "uncooked" cheesecake in the middle. This will cook via "push" (carry over heat) When your tie is up, turn off the oven, open the door slightly but leave the cheesecake in the oven for 10-20 minutes. Then move it to the counter, keeping it in the springform pan. Cover with a clean dry dishtowel to keep some of the steam in but allow it to cool. Lastly, when it is cool enough to pick up and move by hand, you can move it to the fridge, still covered with a dish towel. After a few hours, you can safely run a knife around the inside of the springform pan and then release it, but don't remove it.
Let the cheesecake chill in the fridge at least overnight.
I know this sounds WAY over the top, but I assure you it's worth the effort. And once you get used to the process it's not really "work." All the extra time spent waiting gives time for cleaning up. (I make heavy use of Mise en place, so I routinely have 6 or 8 bowls that need to be washed after I make a cheesecake.)
Finally, for the muffin cheesecakes, I have used a banana cheesecake batter before and placed oreo cookies in the bottom of my muffin tins. The crust is a bit of a surprise when you bit into the cheesecake and are suddenly met by the cookie. I can only assume most any round sandwich cookie would also work, and thus the variety and creativity of cooking kick in.
No, my kitchenaid mixer is heavy enough that it doesn't move on the counter at all when it's on. The rubber feet help keep it in place as well. What surface is your kitchen counter and does your kitchenaid mixer feel really heavy (it should)? If it's a lack of friction with your counter, I would suggest putting down a sheet of shelf liner.
Working from memory, stir speed is about one major revolution per second. It doesn't go much slower than that - it's slow enough that adding ingredients usually doesn't splatter, but if it looks like it might, then just shut off the machine to add ingredients. Once the ingredients are in the bowl, it's unlikely that anything will splash out on stir speed.
Sounds like it would work, but these are quite thin/flat when compared to a cupcake.
Any suggestions.
Not that this will stop me from eating them, of course. I'm just saying.
Thanks for a wonderful recipe.
yup, bake 'em 25 minutes <g>
seriously the baking time is affected by any temp errors, also how heat is distributed in your oven - "hot spots" are famous things... - where you put them (hi-middle-low) in the oven, type of pan you are using, paper cups, foil cups, phase of the moon (!), all kinds of stuff.
I am using a convection oven with low fan speed and using steam feature which inject 2liter water in the first minute. The oven is industerial oven.
To realease steam the oven shold be 300F to release the steam. after steam is being rleased I droped the temp to lower but within 8 min they start cracking and they are still not done and its inside is soft. What do you suggest pease help.
Just a guy playing in my wife's kitchen
I modified it by making my own graham crumb crust (it didn't take hours... more like 10 minutes...) which I blind baked for 4-5 minutes in the 350 degree oven. It's kind of crispy.
I also added some lemon juice to the batter.
Used the recipe above (sorta) as my starting point. Then I added some Grand Marnier and frozen Orange juice concentrate (thawed). I did 1 1/2 the recipe and made the cupcake version with paper cups (that's all I had) and the balance into the smaller (8 1/2 in?) cheesecake pan. For the crust, I used 1/3 each of graham crumbs, ginger snap crumbs and chopped pecans. I used my tart tamp to tamp the crumbs into the paper cups - and it worked beautifully!!
After allowing to cool - I made a chocolate Ganache and before it thickened to much (cooled) I put a thin layer on both the cupcakes and cheesecake. I would suggest that you let this cool until VERY set before the next thing I did. (learned the hard way) Then topped it off with a whipped cream type topping. Place in the fridge and chill for 4 to 6 hours. (topping was whip cream, sugar, vanilla, dissolved gelatin and Grand Marnier)
Both were a huge hit at the office... so much so that I am now asked to bring in cheesecake at all meetings - now matter how small. I guess they like 'em!
P.S. the above crust is also very yummy with a pumpkin cheesecake. For the topping on pumpkin - I used one of the whip cream makers that use the cylinders - added some vanilla, cinnamon and ginger. I did not add any sweetener as the contrast between the topping and cheesecake were a perfect match. ( you could use pumpkin pie spice in place of the above spices). Serve as you would pumpkin pie - with a dollup of the seasoned whipped cream.
I would like to share this simple baked cheesecake recipe that my family love. The cake sinks ever slightly in the centre thus enabling me to pour a bluberry pie filling topping just before cutting. Sometimes I add lemon juice from 2 lemons to produce a lemon baked cheese cake.
Cream cheese mixture:
24 oz cream cheese at room temperature
1 cup castor sugar
1 cup sour cream
3 eggs lightly beaten
1 tbsp grated lemon zest
Crumb base:
10 pieces digestive biscuits - finely crushed
1/2 cup melted butter
1 tbsp sugar
Mix crushed biscuits with melted butter and sugar. Press firmly to base of a 8" spring form pan that has been lined with aluminium foil. Chill in fridge.
Cream the cheese in the food processor till soft. Add sugar followed by beaten egg, sour cream and finally lemon zest. Use a spatula if necessary to scrape the sides of the food processor to ensure the cheese mixture is well combined. Avoid beating the final mixture too long.
Pour over prepared crumb base. Bake bain-marie 170C for 50-55mins. Cool in spring-form pan.
Remove onto a serving plate. Pour 1 cup blueberry pie filling.
or http://recipesnextdoor.blogspot.com
btw, i was an engineer but now is a SAHM :-)
I peel the liners and eat like a cupcake.
These cupcakes taste great but i'm just wondering about a few things - my cupcakes fall in the middle after they have been in the oven. Does this have something to do with the amount of time I heat them or the way I mix them? Just wondering if there is anyone who knows how to remedy this? Also - should the cupcakes be firm/ should the liners come off easily - as mine keep sticking to the liners.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
check your oven temp with an independent thermometer to ensure it is close to the set point - ovens are notorious for errors on that.
you'll need to pay attention to the bake temp - the smaller muffin size will bake fast and burn easier - so start with a somewhat lower temp - I'd guess 50F ' less....
I am definitely going to try this recipe - love cheesecake. As an engineer, not too worried about the calories - will figure that out later... :P
Thanks for posting this delicious recipe.
Sorry.. I am a newbie in baking and I ask the most stupid questions... bear with me. :unsure:
they are not the dark non-stick.
on the first go around I'd follow the manufacturer's recommendation and adjust as needed from that experience.
good luck!